A Series of Unfortunate Events premiered on Netflix two weeks ago so let’s discuss whether it met expectations or underwhelmed like its feature film predecessor.
R.I.P. Mary Tyler Moore (1936-2017)
On January 25th, Mary Tyler Moore passed away at the age of 80.
In Theaters Review: Split
Despite not being his best work, M. Night Shyamalan finally lands another hit at the box office with his new film, Split.
Road to the Well Review
Road to the Well is a beautifully shot and finely acted debut from indie filmmaker Jon Cvack.
Logan Trailer #2 Released
The second trailer for Hugh Jackman’s swan song as Wolverine has been released.
Power Rangers Trailer #2 Released
The second trailer for the Power Rangers reboot has been released.
R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer (1955-2017)
On January 19th, Miguel Ferrer passed away at the age of 61.
In Theaters Review: Live By Night
Ben Affleck’s newest directorial effort, Live By Night, is a disjointed and lifeless foray into the Prohibition era.
Raw Trailer Released
The first trailer for the upcoming French-Belgian horror film, Raw, has been released.
ICYMI Review: Barton Fink
With the multitude of films that are released every year, sometimes one just falls through the cracks. Today, we’re reviewing the Coen brothers’ Barton Fink just in case you missed it…