Back in June, the first trailer for Kenneth Branagh’s upcoming adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express was released. A few days ago, a second trailer for the film was released and it still looks like it could be a hit this November. Like we thought about the first trailer, this new one appears to take its subject matter seriously by maintaining a level of mystery and intrigue but there’s also an underlying sense of fun behind it.
The plot of the film follows Detective Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) as he attempts to solve the murder of a passenger on a train. The thirteen passengers are all considered suspects and, like the Sidney Lumet-directed 1974 version of Agatha Christie’s novel, the ensemble cast is quite impressive. Big names like Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Dame Judi Dench, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Daisy Ridley all have roles in the film.
In our write-up on the first trailer, we mentioned how Johnny Depp has been box office poison in recent years but, luckily, he’s not the main star of the film. In this trailer, though, Depp is quite heavily featured which is somewhat concerning. While it’s certainly not a death knell for the film, Depp’s track record has not been very good as of late and there could be some skepticism behind his increased screen time. Either way, with all of the aforementioned names being spotlighted as well, much of the heat will be taken off of him and there may be no need for concern.
Murder on the Orient Express is set for release on November 10th. Check out the second trailer and comment below.